Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Town Trail - Robins join in the work!

There were just a small group of us working on the Town Trail on Monday 7th Feb. We 'liberated' some hazel that was almost smothered with ivy.

We are now seeing wildflowers coming through where we've cleared the ground, which is really encouraging. The birds seem to like what we're doing too and a couple of robins came to inspect our work. One of them was camera shy!

As we work down the trail below Woodleigh Road, we know we will have to take extra care. There are hedgehogs, slow worms, frogs and newts in the area. As well as making room for more wildflowers, we want to make sure that the wildlife already there is given the best chance to thrive.

Our next session is on Monday morning 21st February. If you'd like to join us, do get in touch.